
Our legislative team tallied the bills introduced by Rep. Bacon that became law, either on their own or by inclusion into another bill per the legislative process:
Bacon Bills that are now law.

The Center for Effective Lawmaking issued their "Highlights from the New 117th Congress Legislative Effectiveness Scores" report, which also tallies the number of bills introduced that are now law. They include bills introduced that had substantial parts of language incorporated into other bills. From the report:

At the top of the list, we see Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska, who introduced 50 bills into the 117th Congress. On the surface, the fate of these bills appears limited, with only two of them passing the House, and only one of them (a post office naming) become law; however, a deeper consideration of his legislative agenda points to the impressive scope of his success. In particular, Rep. Bacon was able to effectively use the intricacies of the lawmaking process behind the scenes to move his proposals forward. Specifically, we are able to identify sixteen bills that Rep. Bacon introduced into the House that had their language substantially incorporated into other bills that ultimately became law. Examples of these bills include the Warrior Brain Health Act of 2022, the Department of Defense Law Enforcement Credential Act of 2022, the Military Energy Security Act of 2022, and eight other bills sponsored by Rep. Bacon that ultimately found their way into the James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023. Taken together, Rep. Bacon’s Legislative Effectiveness Score places him as the fourth overall in the House, despite being a member of the minority party. His approach, working behind the scenes to strike compromises and insert his bill language in other legislative vehicles, shows further opportunities for minority-party lawmakers to succeed in Congress.
Highlights from the New 117th Congress Legislative Effectiveness Scores