Community Funding Projects

Appropriations Community Projects

Title: Malmo Outdoor Warning Siren Project

Proposed recipient: Saunders County, Nebraska

Amount Requested: $12,400

Subcommittee: Homeland

Explanation: Outdoor warning siren.

Member Certification Form

Title: Gretna Community Complex Project

Proposed recipient: City of Gretna, Nebraska

Amount Requested: $10,000,000

Subcommittee: THUD

Explanation: As the fastest growing community in Sarpy County Nebraska, and in the Omaha/Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area, Gretna is also one of the smaller communities.  The pressures to respond as a larger city are borne on the shoulders of the residents and businesses located within Gretna’s corporate limits. Although these pressures are great, the services and resources available to meet these expectations are lacking. Primarily, the Gretna Public Library is located in 2 separate buildings, approximately 4 blocks apart. Staffing is divided among the buildings; Library patrons are regularly met with differing hours between the Main Library and the Children’s Library; programming space is so tight that many events can only occur during the summer when programs can be operated outside; expenses to operate two separate buildings are high and not sustainable. Additionally, there is a significant lack of community meeting and event space in Gretna.  Many organizations, families, civic groups, and businesses choose other area communities in which to hold gatherings. The proposed community complex is planned to bring these functions, and more, together to a single property that is well equipped for expansion as our community grows. A single facility will house the complete Library services, a new Community Complex, a co-work/incubator area, and Gretna City Hall.  With the City Hall as only a small portion of the complex, the opportunities for true community activities is enhanced.  

Member Certification Form

Title: Eppley Airfield Terminal Modernization Program (TMP) – Overhead Walkways to Passenger Terminal 

Proposed recipient: Omaha Airport Authority, Nebraska 

Amount Requested: $10,000,000

Subcommittee: THUD

Explanation: The Terminal Modernization Program is a $950 million renovation and expansion of existing terminal facilities, increasing terminal capacity and economic activity. The Terminal Modernization Program will be completed in multiple phases and includes a new central utility plant, additional aircraft gates, consolidated security checkpoint, a unified concourse, a federal inspection services facility for international arrivals, and new baggage systems. This program extends the terminal life by 40 years, incorporates sustainable design, reduces energy consumption, increases safety, enhances capacity, and supports aeronautical demand; with a 77% increase in terminal space. An important element of the project is relocating ticketing to the second level of the terminal where there is a new consolidated security screening checkpoint located in the center of the terminal.  Access to the second level for ticketing and the checkpoint will be provided through covered overhead pedestrian walkways, spanning the roadway, and with added vertical circulation.  The overhead walkways and vertical circulation provide access from the ground transportation, parking, and rental car areas to the terminal.  An estimated 60% of passengers utilize the existing two overhead passenger walkways.  Based on availability of funding the project anticipates a new overhead central walkway and improvement and rehabilitation of the two existing walkways to extend their life, modernize the infrastructure, and enhance safety/capacity.  Utilization of the overhead pedestrian walkways improves safety of passengers, especially in avoiding interactions between vehicles and pedestrians.  Additionally, capacity is preserved and expanded through the walkways and also improves the safety, efficiency and capacity of the terminal roadway by reducing the interactions between vehicles and passengers. 

Member Certification Form

Title: Omaha Urban Core Renewal Phase 2

Proposed recipient: City of Omaha, Nebraska

Amount Requested: $10,000,000

Subcommittee: THUD

Explanation:  This Urban Renewal project will provide pedestrian pathways, bicycle route connectivity, stormwater management, utility relocation, landscaped areas, parking relocation and will add approximately 1.5 acres of green space to the urban core. This project will replace and/or improve 3.5 acres of streets and alleys. Lighting will be improved, and sidewalks will be repaired, replaced or widened to improve safety and walkability. The streetscape portion of this project envisions improvements to pedestrian safety on 20th Streets between Cuming Street and Cass Street. This project will improve pedestrian safety by slowing traffic and improving pedestrian crossing locations in a heavy pedestrian traffic area. Vehicular traffic control measures (such as improved pedestrian crossings and center planted medians with areas of refuge) will slow speeds, providing a main street experience. Bus shelters and bike lanes will be added to encourage multimodal travel and transit-oriented development.

Member Certification Form

Title: Gretna Sewer Extension Project

Proposed recipient: Sarpy County and Cities Wastewater Agency

Amount Requested: $10,000,000

Subcommittee: Interior

Explanation: Sarpy County and Cities Wastewater Agency (SCCWWA) is requesting funding for the extension of its current infrastructure to the City of Gretna. This extension would include the construction of approximately 55,300 linear feet of 18-inch to 42-inch gravity sewer pipe, 8,000 linear feet of 18-inch force main piping and one (1) new lift station. The gravity piping would extend from approximately S. 204th Street and Fairview Road in Gretna along Buffalo Creek, to approximately Highway 50 and Buffalo Road to a proposed lift station, where it would be pumped through an 18-inch force main north along Highway 50 to the existing lift station at the City of Springfield’s current Wastewater Treatment Facility. This proposed extension would provide the trunk line service to approximately 16,500 acres of development area within the Buffalo Creek watershed for the City of Gretna, the City of Papillion, and the City of Springfield. The extension of this line is critical for the development of the recently announced Good Life District within the City of Gretna as well as development around a new Interstate 80 interchange which is being planned between Highway 370 and Highway 31.

Member Certification Form

Title: Encompass Omaha: A Hospital-based Violence Intervention Program 

Proposed recipient: City of Omaha, Nebraska 

Amount Requested: $533,000

Subcommittee: CJS

Explanation: Encompass Omaha (Engaging Networks within the Community of Omaha to Maintain and Promote A Safe Society) is Nebraska’s only hospital based violence intervention program (HVIP), established in 2020 as the result of close partnerships between Nebraska Medicine (NM), University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO), and community-based organizations. Encompass Omaha is a multi-disciplinary program that combines the efforts of medical staff with trusted community-based partners to provide safety planning, services, and trauma-informed care to violently inured people.  The intent of the program is to reduce violence including violent reinjury, risk of community violence and costs incurred by the public from violence. The program will begin at Nebraska Medicine bedside upon hospital admission during the “teachable moment” of violent injury. Culturally competent, individualized support services, behavioral health and case management led by peer specialists will reduce violence and violent reinjury through improved continuity of care and linkage of services. Victims will be connected to violence risk reduction resources in the community through collaborative efforts to city and community-based organizations that offer these services and receive long-term intensive case management to reduce risk factors and offset other determinants of violence.  The UNO, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice is an engaged partner with Encompass Omaha and well suited to assist in the on-going development of intervention strategies, assist with qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the program, facilitate strengthening of interpersonal communication with the community, criminal justice entities and community-based organizations, and promulgate program outcomes through lectures and publications.

Member Certification Form

Title: Pre-adjusdicated Supportive Services (DC-PASS)

Proposed recipient: Douglas County Nebraska

Amount Requested: $1,000,000

Subcommittee: CJS

Explanation: Douglas County is requesting funds to expand the variety and type of Stability Services available to Douglas County pre-adjudicated youth. Specifically, this would allow higher-risk pre-adjudicated youth to be appropriately supervised in the community in lieu of detention by creating a supervision plan that provides wrap-around services and supports for both the youth and their family. Through the expansion of services available to this population, we will be able to help prevent youth from progressing deeper into the juvenile and adult criminal justice systems and also promoting community safety.

Member Certification Form

Title: Burlington Economic Development Infrastructue Project

Proposed recipient: City of Ralston, Nebraska

Amount Requested: $3,000,000

Subcommittee: THUD

Explanation: Ralston is requestion money for an extension of Burlinton Ave across Ralston Creek at 72nd street and reconfigration of a road.  In addition a rework of sewer line.

Member Certification Form

Title: North 24th Street Business Improvement District CPTED Initiative

Proposed recipient: North 24th Street Business Improvement District Association

Amount Requested: $753,400

Subcommittee: CJS

Explanation: The North 24th St BID seeks funding to merge it's safet and secuity litter control and beautification comitees into one full time year round program.  This will be to hire staff, purchas equipment and other supplies. 

Member Certification Form

Title: MILCON Planning and Design for Beddown of the Survivable Airborne Operations Center (SAOC) at Offutt AFB

Proposed recipient: Department of the Air Force

Amount Requested: $158,200,000

Subcommittee: MILCON/VA

Explanation: The Department of the Air Force has requested funds for worldwide MILCON projects for existing and new mission beddowns to address priority projects.  Planning and Design for the SAOC is part of the USAF's #2 Unfunded Priority List for FY25.   

Member Certification Form