Press Releases

Bacon Named ‘Defender For Children’

Omaha, Neb. – Rep. Don Bacon (NE-02) today announced he has been named a 2022 Champion for Children by the bipartisan advocacy organization First Focus Campaign for Children. Just 40 members of the U.S. House of Representatives receive this distinction each year, and Bacon is one of four Republicans in the House to receive this award.

As a foster to adoptive parent and a co-chair of the Foster Youth Caucus, I have made it my mission to fight for policies and legislation that make children a priority in our nation,” said Bacon. “Thank you to First Focus Campaign for Children for recognizing me as a Defender for Children. We should always strive to improve the lives of the next generation through foster care and adoption services.” 

First Focus Campaign for Children’s 2022 Legislative Scorecard ranks members of Congress according to votes and bill sponsorships taken during the 117th Congress that prioritize the well-being of children in the U.S. and around the world. The new report examines key pieces of legislation designed to reduce child poverty, protect unhoused children, aid those who lost caregivers to COVID-19, guard against environmental threats, ensure that children have enough to eat, and to address other issues critical to advancing the needs of all children everywhere.

Just 120 members of Congress in total, across both chambers and parties, were named Champions or Defenders for Children in the 117th Congress. See the list of winners here. Download the full report here.
