Press Releases

Rep. Bacon Co-Sponsors Resolution Calling for a Balanced Budget Amendment

As part of Congressman Don Bacon’s (NE-2) commitment to restoring fiscal responsibility in Washington, he has agreed to co-sponsor House Joint Resolution 2, which calls for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

“I am concerned that our children, grandchildren and future generations have already been saddled with nearly $20 trillion in debt, over $60,000 a person, by our government, through unfunded programs we simply cannot afford,” said Congressman Bacon. “We need to restore fiscal responsibility and make government more accountable for its expenditures, without requiring people to forfeit more of their hard-earned dollars.”

Not only does H.J. Resolution 2 require that Congress not spend more than it receives in revenue, it also requires a three-fifths supermajority vote to increase the debt limit and a true majority of each chamber to pass tax increases. The Amendment would allow Congress to waive provisions for any fiscal year in which a declaration of war is in effect.

“It has been said and I agree that our national debt is a national threat,” added Congressman Bacon. “These critical pieces of legislation will pave the way for a more prosperous America for our children, where they have more financial opportunity than we do today.”
