Press Releases

Bacon calls on Biden to “Meet Us at the table!”

Bacon calls on Biden to “Meet Us at the table!”

Washington - Rep. Don Bacon (NE-02) issued the following statement regarding the debt ceiling and the use of the 14th Amendment:

“The 14th Amendment does not give the President the unliteral authority to start writing checks wherever he wants. To even consider this abuse of power is reprehensible and shows what clear disregard the president has for our laws. Just last week, this Administration said it was not Constitutional to use the 14th Amendment this way, making them look confused and desperate. Furthermore, Republicans voted to raise the debt ceiling by one percent, coupled with spending caps. Where is the democrat’s counterproposal? They don’t have one! They want to continue to spend with zero consequences, while everyday Americans can’t afford food and energy.

 “Let’s also not forget that while President Biden claims this is an issue of the United States paying debt they are responsible for, he wants blue collar Americans to pay for the debt of those with white collar jobs. He is clearly out of touch with the reality of debt, costs of living and what American want right now.

 “Meet us at the table Mr. President!”
