Press Releases

Rep. Bacon Introduces Bill to Fund Youth Agricultural Programs

Washington, DC —Rep. Don Bacon (NE-02), as well as the co-chairs of the Congressional FFA Caucus, Rep. Tracy Mann and Rep. Jimmy Panetta, along with co-sponsors Rep Williams (GA-5), Rep. Caraveo (CO-8), and Rep. Fitzpatrick (PA-1), Rep. Sorensen (IL-17), and Rep. Bishop (GA-2) introduced the Youth Lead Act on National Teach Ag Day. Future farmers of America (FFA), 4-H, and the Scouts are preeminent youth leadership organizations in the United States, with approximately 8.4 million youth taking part. Participation in these organizations helps children make lifelong friendships, learn leadership and life skills, practice commitment, and achieve goals. Investing in our children is an investment in our future, and the Youth lead Act allows the Secretary of Agriculture to provide grants that support these organizations. The grant program allows maximum flexibility and authorizes $5 million annually from 2024 to 2028 to account for inflation.


“Every year I meet with youth involved in FFA, 4-H, and Scouts,” said Bacon. “They are always impressive and have cultivated a strong work ethic, valuable skills, and a spirit of teamwork. Ensuring that our youth are able to participate in these organizations helps to secure our future not just in agriculture, but in every industry they participate in.”


“The young people who have committed themselves to agriculture are willingly bearing the burden of not only feeding, fueling, and clothing the world, but also maintaining America’s food security,” said Mann. “Young people are the best ambassadors for America, and we all stand to learn a great deal from their commitment, passion, and hard work. This legislation is the perfect example of how the Farm Bill works to invest in the next generation, and I am proud to support it.”


“Youth organizations like FFA, 4-H Council, and Scouting help our young people develop into the leaders and citizens needed for the future of our nation,” said Panetta.  “By expanding federal funding for these programs, we can advance their exceptional work in providing youth with the skills that they need to excel in their career endeavors and make a positive impact on their community and country.  We have a responsibility to instill in the next generation a sense of service and discovery, and I’m proud to co-lead this effort to invest in that future.”   



