Press Releases

Bacon, Crow Lead Bipartisan Legislation Preserving USAF Fighter Force Structure

Bacon, Crow Lead Bipartisan Legislation Preserving USAF Fighter Force Structure

WASHINGTON – Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE), alongside Reps. Jason Crow (D-CO), Jack Bergman (R-MI), Sarah Elfreth (D-MD), Andy Harris (R-MD), Steny Hoyer (D-MD), John James (R-MI), Dusty Johnson (R-SD), and Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), introduced H.R 1851, the Fighter Force Preservation and Recapitalization Act. This legislation preserves U.S. Air Force (USAF) fighter force structure and prioritizes the recapitalization of the 39 service-retained, combat-coded fighter squadrons available to the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) to respond globally to world events across the Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserve fighter fleets.
H.R. 1851 establishes requirements for future fighter procurement to restore and modernize our aging fighter fleet and directs robust reporting requirements to ensure close congressional oversight of USAF fighter modernization. It also prioritizes recapitalization of USAF Active Duty, Guard and Reserve units that are based in the homeland to improve the readiness of our Total Force fighter formations. Over the last thirty years, the Air Force fighter force structure has been reduced by nearly sixty percent, while the average age of fighter aircraft has increased by two hundred percent.  
The sponsors issued a joint statement:
“The Department of Defense is simply not buying enough fighters to replace our aging aircraft that must be retired. The Air Force fighter fleet is currently in crisis, which now threatens our ability to project power and defend the skies over our homeland and along our borders. This legislation will stop the decline and stabilize the Air Force fighter force structure across the Active Duty, Guard, and Reserve components. The brave men and women that protect the skies over our nation need the best equipment to do the job, and our legislation will give them the tools to do just that.”