Press Releases


Washington, D.C. – Rep. Don Bacon (NE-02) issued the following statement after voting no on the House Democrat’s resolution to remove Rep. Marjorie Greene from her committee assignments for inexcusable and inflammatory remarks made by her, before being elected to the House of Representatives:

“For the first time in 234 years, one party is dictating committee assignments to the other party. This action by the democrats will have long lasting consequences and they are setting themselves up for receiving the same treatment in two years. I strongly condemned the horrible and inexcusable remarks Rep. Greene made prior to being elected, which she has since apologized for. Minority Leader McCarthy even offered a compromise to remove her from the Education Committee. What happens down the road when Republicans regain the majority? Will the democrats agree to remove from Committees the Representatives that told people to get in the faces of those they disagree with at public places; or who made serious anti-Semitic remarks; or who accused another member of attempted murder? The Democrat leadership is sowing the wind and will reap the whirlwind.”
