Press Releases

Bacon Issues Statement After Agreeing to Cosponsor the Cabin Air Safety Act of 2019

Congressman Don Bacon (NE-02) issued the following statement today after agreeing to cosponsor H.R. 2208, the Cabin Air Safety Act of 2019:

“I will be signing on to cosponsor this legislation which will further enhance safety and ensure clean air for all aircrews and passengers aboard commercial aircraft. There have been several cases of flight attendants and dozens of passengers becoming very ill due to carbon monoxide poisoning that occurred in the aircraft cabin, and just recently, a flight attendant from Omaha was also exposed to carbon monoxide while flying. These are not isolated incidents and we owe it to those who rely on commercial aviation to do all we can to avoid future incidents like these. H.R. 2208 will provide the improvements needed by mandating installation of carbon monoxide detection systems on commercial aircraft, enhancing aircrew training and response times, standardizing and expediting incident reporting procedures, and requiring the FAA to conduct a formal investigation whenever these incidents occur.”
